Annual Museum Staff Art Show Arrives August 1!

By Meghan E. Gattignolo 

The legend that is The Customs House Museum & Cultural Center’s Annual Staff Art Exhibit is coming back! This exhibit is a unique addition to Clarksville’s local museum, a special chance to see what the creative staff that works behind the scenes can do. 

This exhibit has been going for more than a decade now with no signs of fading, and every year the exhibit is completely different from the previous years. Staff Art is a visitor and patron favorite exhibit, with each new year bringing a different experience.

Expect to see a wide variety of art forms and mediums. Of course, you’ll see resident long-time established artists like Terri Jordan (Curator of Exhibits) and Frank Lott (Executive Director), but you’ll also get to see what other staff members can do across every department. Many of the contributing staff are new employees of the Museum and, for some, this is their first opportunity to contribute to staff art. 

Bethany Jerger, Seeking Shelter

Visitor Services Associate, Bethany, is most often behind the counter at Seasons: The Museum Store, one of the friendly faces you encounter when you first walk inside the museum. She contributed a poignant photograph she took of a bee during a vulnerable moment. 

“I was working at a museum gift shop in St. Augustine, FL, and during a torrential summer downpour I wandered out onto the covered back porch of the museum and noticed the bee in the leaves, staying dry. It was a really interesting moment to see, so I took a picture.”

Andrew Ross, Circles

Event and Rental Associate, Andrew, chose to submit an older piece he’s particularly proud of. 

“I decided to submit a piece that I did many years ago…. an aluminum bowl that is painted with colorful rings on the outside and abstract figures/shapes in the center.”

Vicki Parker, Eagle in the Mist

Office Manager, Vicki, enjoys a view of the 1898 building and its iconic roof from her office on the second floor that most people don’t get to see.  Originally intended as a federal building, the original Customs House and post office features ornate American bald eagles on the roof at four corners. Vicki sees them every day and couldn’t help but be inspired by them.  

“I have been fascinated by eagles my entire life. They stand for strength and stability. The piece is an American Bald Eagle perched upon a branch looking over a lake within a forest on a misty morning keeping watch. While working on the piece, I realized it captured the exact feelings I had for my mother. I dedicate this piece to her, Sarah Greene.” Original design by Ankicolemen. 

Jammie Williams, Infant

To excel at working as an Exhibit Preparator, it helps to be good with your hands. Jammie apparently is, as his sculpture Infant is very expressive. He was inspired to create it one day when a woman with an infant sat near him, but the piece became even more meaningful to him. 

“I like symbolism and metaphor. So, the idea of babies as symbolic of artistic creation with themes of potential and new beginnings, along with objects of protection and nurturing, is inspiring to me.”


Kathleen Silva

Education Associate, Kathleen, chose to make art out of travel. The piece she submitted is a depiction of Mt. Fuji.

“I made it while I was in Japan. It’s an age-old technique of making beautiful art. The art form is called chigiri-e, using beautiful handmade paper and a starch called Konnyaku paste made from a root powder.

Kim Raines, Drac

Leave it to Kim to think outside the box. For over five years now, Lead Visitor Services Associate, Kim, is the one who – among her other work – is usually busy dreaming up and planning out the awesome decor for Seasons: The Museum Store’s interior and windows. Kim loves being creative, and she usually participates in staff art. This year, she’s brought us Drac the vampire squid, a colorful vision in mixed media. This work is a fun combination of acrylic paint and crochet, and one you have to see in person to enjoy the full effect. 

Matthew Sarnelli

Curator of Collections, Matthew, submitted a photograph of a shrimp boat he took while spending time in his home state of North Carolina a few years back. He found he had some time on his hands after the world shut down. 

“I’ve spent practically every summer down there since I was five years old. It’s an area known as the Crystal Coast. I had just finished grad school before the pandemic started and that whole year I didn’t have a job, so I had a lot of free time to spend at the beach!”

Myranda Harrison, Graceful and Free

Sometimes, your own art can lead you to create something entirely new. That’s what happened to Marketing and Communications Manager, Myranda.  She captured a beautiful image of a butterfly one day, and it inspired the poem next to it.  Together, they make a touching work of art. 

Come see these beautiful works. Exhibition will also include work by Wesley Bossard, Laura Cagaoan, Channing Grimes, Frank Lott, Kenny Hummer, Terri Jordan, Justin Kaicles, Summer Lucio, Stacy Mobley, Eric Shanley, Stephanie Stafford, and Shana Thornton at the Annual Staff Art Exhibit, opening August 1st in the Museum’s Lobby!

A couple blog posts from past years can give you an idea about what kinds of work staff art brings to the table. 

This one:

And this one:

Meghan E. Gattignolo is a freelance writer and longtime Clarksville, TN resident. She loves to obsess about historical subjects and annoy her family daily with unsolicited random facts. Meghan holds a History B.A. from Austin Peay State University and lives in town with her husband and two children. 

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