Women Artists of the American West (WAOAW) was founded in 1971 in Norco, California by a small group of women wanting to network as professionals and compete in the world of art. At that time, the Cowboys of America were exhibiting in numerous prestigious venues, but it was difficult to break into the realm of art as a woman painter or sculptor.
By pooling their efforts and promoting their careers with shows and advertising. WAOAW soon became known for its high caliber of artists and distinctive western style.
While WAOAW artists in the early years of the organization were known for their western pieces in various mediums, many women artists in non-western genres wanted to become a part of the group’s legacy. In 1988 the bylaws were changed to embrace additional genre, subject matter and style. The membership chose to drop “American” from their name and became the diverse group today known as WAOW or Women Artists of the West. Today, we have members across the country, and several from Australia and Canada.