Our mission is to collect, preserve, interpret, and share the creativity and ingenuity of the human spirit for audiences today and into the future. As a nonprofit, we rely on your generosity to help us fulfill our mission and serve the community. Your donation supports artifact conservation, collections, educational programming and exhibits. You can also sign up to support the Museum year-round with recurring donations. Thank you for your generosity!
More Ways to Donate
Donor-Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes.
If you have a DAF giving account at Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon Charitable, you can donate to the Museum using the DAF Direct widget to the right.
If you are unable to use the DAF Direct form, please contact your DAF representative and ask them to direct your DAF distribution to the following address:
Clarksville Montgomery County Museum
d.b.a Customs House Museum & Cultural Center
P.O. Box 383
Clarksville, TN 37041-0383
EIN: 58-1504427
Planned Planning
Through various types of bequests, you may secure a charitable estate-tax deduction for the value of the gift. Best of all, you will know that your generosity will support our mission for years to come.
You may prefer to state in your will or trust a sum of money or a percentage of your estate that you wish to give to the Customs House Foundation.
Whatever form of bequest you choose, it is not subject to federal estate taxes and so significantly reduces the tax burden of an estate. The value of the bequest may be deducted when the taxable estate is determined, and there is no limit to the deduction.
Gifting in your Will or Living Trust:
“I give [____ percent of the residue of my estate], or [the sum of ________ dollars] to the Clarksville Montgomery County Museum (d.b.a. Customs House Museum & Cultural Center), and/or The Customs House Foundation Inc., Clarksville TN, for its general purposes or for the benefit of [name of museum, research center, or program].
Please call for Tax ID #.
*Please be advised by your Accountant or Attorney.
Recurring Donations
Sign up for recurring donations to make a difference all year long. Since recurring donations are automatic, you can make a continuous impact without the continuous effort. On our Donation form, simply click “Make this a recurring donation.”
Your recurring donation ensures a steady source of funding for the Museum’s mission throughout the year and allows you to express your support more fully.
Community Reward Program:
Support the Customs House Museum & Cultural Center while you shop at no extra cost to you. Here’s how: